Sahara is HOT!
This week we have the lovely Sahara back again. Members will recall being transported to the mysterious & exotic Orient last time, when Sahara re-enacted the sexy belly dance routine she does at her local carvery every Sunday. I’m surprised the dads don’t choke on their Yorkshire puddings when Sahara seductively approaches their tables, pushing her fingers into the gravy boats & as she lies seductively on their tables, amongst the bread rolls, she runs her gravy wet finger all over her body in sexual abandonment.
Anyway, the manager said it was all getting a bit out of hand, so he asked Sahara to “Tone things down” a little. So every alternate week she now dresses up as a sexy college girl & does a slightly different routine, which I will explain about next week! |
Dildo VS Dick
As members would have seen Belle showed no shame during her demonstration of her various implements of filth, however I managed to convince her that it might be wise for her to cancel her “Gig” at the “Shady Pines Home for the Elderly & Infirm” she had planned for the next day. Apparently a clown had cancelled his balloon act at the last moment to attend his drug rehab centre for an urgent meeting & Belle had been called in. She planned to “Delight the old folk” with her performance of a “Double Entry Dildo Fuck Fest”. I suggested something more appropriate might be in order, to which she replied, “What if I just lap dance a few old men with a dildo stuck up my hole & then for my finale take it out of my sodden pussy & ram it down their throats until they nearly choke whilst wanking them off? Is that going a bit far?” At this point I declared, “Belle, pack your dildo’s away and let me give you a good hard fuck!”, to which she answered, “That sounds great, Jim, especially as I don’t even need to install you will fresh AA batteries!: To which I thought, “That’s what she thinks!” LOL |
Ding! Dong!
This week we have the lovely Belle back for some fun. Many will remember that previously Belle worked in a library storing religious artefacts and ancient books. It would seem since then the Devil himself had called on her and sent her in another direction, ie into a downward spiral into the fires of Hell!
I was dumfounded when she declared, “I have turned my back on the church and found salvation in the world of sex toys!”. I had my suspicions that things had gone awry when she arrived at the door in thigh high boots, hold ups & a skimpy top & I thought to myself she must have raised a few eyebrows on the bus on her way to my place. Anyway, she told me how she was now selling sex toys, “Door to door”. In the light of that we decided to play a role play game in which I played an old aged pensioner & she a demonstrator of her “instruments of depravity”. I must admit, Belle certainly would have made a sale to me, as if nothing else her “Dildo Mega-Whopper 99” would have made an excellent whisk for making a pancake mix or perhaps a replacement for my broken garden gnome. Anyway, watch and enjoy! |

Call for Lara Latex!
The problem with shooting POV, “Point of view” is that it is extremely painful on the right arm gripping the camcorder & attempting to fuck a girl at the same time. My doctor showed little sympathy when I explained my ailment & the constant pain that ensued & he cruelly sent me packing, shouting, “Get out of my sight, I have urgent cases to attend to, at which point he continued performing the heart bypass operation he’d been engaged on when I had interrupted him. That’s the trouble these days, the good folk of porn get little sympathy when discussing their ailments with anybody. Anyway, to cut a long story short I summoned my wife Lara Latex to take over on the camcorder so that I could be free to give Cherry a damn good screwing, after all is it too much to expect one’s wife to come to ones aid in your hour of need? I don’t think so. I need not go into the details of the shenanigans in Pt 2 except to say these 3 words. “Girl”, “Fucked” in “Gingham”. Im the meantime both I and my wife Lara Latex wish to bid you all a very happy Christmas & New Year! |
Cherry Part 1
This week we have the beautiful Cherry gracing your screens. Possibly the most perfect Christmas girl ever, so cute & pretty you can almost imagine her stuck on top of a Christmas tree with a flashing light on her head! Unsurprisingly, she wasn’t always a porn girl, she had been studying graphic design but unfortunately for her there was a disgusting sleaze bag in the class who had “designs” on her. Cherry described him as, “A rather greasy looking fellow, with hair slicked back, a Hawaiian shirt (And a Hawaiian coat in winter) a pair of those horrible, ugly golf trousers golfers used to wear and a pair of snake skin shoes. He also chewed a tooth pick!” At that point I was stunned into disbelief as it appeared Cherry had inadvertently entered a Black Hole, travelled back in time and met me, yes me, 30 years ago when I first dipped my toe in the stinking cesspit of porn! Anyway, this sleaze bag managed to entice Cherry back to his hovel during which he produced a slime covered camcorder & I believe I need not continue to describe the gory details that ensued but I am sure you would all be disgusted beyond belief. Anyway, as you can imagine Cherry did a marvellous audition & perhaps for the first time on Jim Slip.com when I asked her to remove my trousers, she not only did so with a big smile on her face, but the proceeded to fold them up, I had to draw the line when she started looking for the ironing board! I was stunned to my very core & thought to myself, “This girl is every man’s dream!” |
Masie Part 2
Excited crowds pour in to witness the amazing spectacle of Masie & her troupe diving into the cake and performing feats of synchronised swimming so perverse that the Devil himself would blush if he was in the crowd. The Dutch love this ancient spectacle. However as Masie explains, cake-dancers are not expected to EAT the cake whilst doing their synchronised swimming, so in the short period of 8 years she became so “weight challenged” that the dwarves were engaged to lower her into the pool of cake together with the sultanas! Anyway during her 9th year in Amsterdam she went on a fitness spree & lost an enormous amount of waist to reveal the slender waif you see before you today…oh yes, I then then fucked her!LOL |