Crazed slut sex-machine!
Those that saw the demure Diore in action last week will turn away in horror when they see her transformation into a wanton sultan this episode. She stormed out of the changing area in micro mini-skirt, pink ripped fishnet tights that she had torn a huge hole in and finally thigh high kinky boots! Her hair ruffled in a whorish manner. Naturally, immediately wondered what her gran would think! Anyway Diore went crazy and made me fuck her senseless! She was insatiable, as is often the way when horny girls get dressed in this manner! Why not try investing in a similar ensemble for the wife to don at home on a Saturday evening? You'll either get a great night of hot sex or a punch in the face, but it might be worth a try all the same! |
Sex in specs!
This week we have the lovely Diore and if I just wrote she had her hair in bunches and wore a Gingham dress most guys would just say, "Nuff said, Jim!" But I say "No!" you must hear the whole story of Diore. She actually lives in the UK and drives a moped delivering pizzas. I always thought underneath those crash helmets lurked boys covered in acne, but Diore has proved me wrong! She had chosen her outfit as a result of seeing my website and although there is little evidence of little Gingham dresses with big buttons on jimslip.com, I was charmed all the same, especially as she was wearing specs as well! Don’t ask what she had under her dress! Ok, I'll tell you anyway, she had frilly panties on and she couldn’t wait to plunge her hand inside and play with her pussy. Anyway, it transpired that her true desire was to dress up as a cheap whore and get fucked senseless, but you’ll have to wait till next week to see an amazing transformation! |
Lina goes loopy with lust!
All the preparation for her trip to the South Pole had made Lina extremely fit and with fitness comes an insatiable sexual appetite! Lara now held the camcorder so I was free to ravage Lina, but it was very much the other way around. Lina flung me on the sofa and simply climbed onto me and used my dick to satisfy herself. Frankly I was quite shocked that a Penguinologist would behave in such an untoward and sluttish manner. At one point Lina stripped naked apart from her long white socks and then standing proudly in front of Lara, masturbated to a full orgasm before once again leaping back onto my dick! There was no stopping this girl and when she had finally gobbled my dick until she'd squeezed every last drop of spunk out of it, I was left a physical wreck whilst she on the other hand donned her rucksack, waved "Au revoir!" and bounced out of the apartment to catch a plane for Antarctica to fulfil her dream! |

Porno Penguinologist
I thought I'd seen it all, but it would seem not! This week we have the lovely Lina who was travelling from Thailand via Budapest and on her way to the South Pole to live with penguins! She even had a complete penguin outfit in her rucksack, she maintains that the penguins won't notice her with her cunning disguise. Anyway, Lina had heard about jimslip.com and turned up in a kind of pseudo preppy Japanese school girl style outfit complete with long white socks. Anyway her casting was simply sensational and when she dropped to her knees to suck my dick, looking up at me with her big blue eyes made me think, "Lina, you will be a Penguin Whisperer!" Naturally as usual I put her into several positions and fucked her whilst holding the camcorder, always a challenge at the best of times, but I know you love this POV malarkey and so do I as it is visually both a tease and quite frustrating all at the same time. All the same my right arm was aching so I called in my wife Lara Latex to take over! |
Panties ripped to shreds
Not content with her satin ensemble, we then dressed her up as a cheap slut in fishnets, skimpy panties and thigh high boots and then fucked her brains out. She seemed to enjoy this new role dressed as a cheap whore and relished marching about the flat certainly annoying the gran who lives below us. Luckily she wears double hearing aids (Not Leyla, the gran downstairs) so she misses most of the crazed shenanigans going on above. I should say you will be more than impressed by me shooting my load all over high nice bum, framed by her shredded panties and for once my aim was straight and true! (I mean Leyla's bum not that of the gran downstairs with the deaf aids, just thought I should point that out!) |
Skin tight satin!
Many will remember the film Grease when Olivia Newton-John found fame clad in the tightest shiny satin trousers possible and gave us all hard-ons! Well this week we go back to those halcyon days with the long legged Leyla who arrived for a casting also clad in skin tight satin trousers. Well to cut a long story short in no time at all Leyla dropped to her knees stretching her sexy satins to bursting point and dutifully stuffed my dick in her mouth and sucked it. Naturally I managed to, with great dexterity, peel down her trousers and fuck her as well. Not content with that, we then dressed her up as a cheap slut in fishnets, skimpy panties and thigh high boots and then fucked her brains out. I should say you will be more than impressed by me shooting my load all over her nice bum, framed by her shredded panties and for once my aim was straight and true! |