Gun toting tart from Transylvania!
Gun toting tart from Transylvania!

Ok! Ok! already, I know that Erica was not from Transylvania, but I couldn't find another place that would rhyme properly, yes and I know Erica did not carry a gun, but she did lurk in an area in earshot of gun-fire. So to get to the point of all this, having had her wicked way with Lara, it was only right and proper that I join in the melee of mayhem. As you all know, I cannot resist the allure of a tarty, brassy girl clad in the garb of a common prostitute! My local barber/ kebab shop owner, Stelios, has a whole collection of this kinky clobber in his garden shed that he sells to all his clients. He calls it, "Something for the weekend, boss?" and moves it by the truck load. Worryingly most of it is second hand and in tatters and much of it has suspicious stains on it, in fact the whole lot should be shoved in a washing machine on a boil wash for a couple of days. Anyway, as members will see, I leapt upon Erica and ravaged her on the spot!


The 'Harlot of Hades!'
The 'Harlot of Hades!'

Last weeks casting with Savanna showed how thin the line is that separates us all from the treacherous path of righteousness and the abyss of Hell Fire! Having got a taste for sleaze, Savanna hurled herself headlong into the murky, all consuming bog of porn! You will be stunned as you see her reappear as a true "Slut of Satan", complete with mini kilt, seamed stockings and killer heels! She even proudly sported a "Bed-head" hairdo, that I am told is all the rage with young people of immoderate temperament! To be honest. I was shocked and appalled by her disgraceful and wanton behaviour and recoiled in horror as she leapt upon me like a sex crazed "Harlot of Hades!" I had little choice other than to acquiesce to her demand to indulge in acts of gross perversity and indecency, all sprinkled with a topping of complete depravity!


Big Bush Babe
Big Bush Babe

You can't say you dont get all sorts on This week we have a devout theology student called Savannah, who arrived for a jimslip casting. She explained that she wanted to immerse herself in the sticky, quagmire of filth to earn some money. She explained how she had placed adverts in local shop windows looking for nude photographic work and had then been swamped by heavy breathers and perverts! One of these happened to be myself and I managed to entice Savanna back for a "Casting". When she got undressed I was shocked to my very core, for between her legs she carried a veritable carpet of hair, something I haven't seen since the days of Color Climax Super 8mm in the 1970's! You remember, when girls all had stockings and suspenders and all the men were hairy, wore brown trousers, psychedelic shirts, had goaty beards and always seemed to talk out of sync! I was so perplexed I couldn't decide whether to plunge my hand between her legs or go and buy some shears! Incidentally, why is it girls like Savanna are SO "un-porno", but so much sexier than pornstar clones? Maybe its just me....and a few million others!


Coco Casting Cutie
Coco Casting Cutie

Get ready for another week of rabid frustration and torture folks! For yet again I bring you another ball-achingly beautiful babe clad in a school uniform for your delectation! The delightful Coco is 19 years of age......need I say more? OK then, just a bit more. Coco is 19 years of age and donned a school uniform to enhance her chances of succeeding in her casting for "". Why? oh why? Oh why? can't these girls just dress up like all the girls in other sites, with tacky rubbish bought from sex shops? Of course I jest! Anyway, Coco used all her feminine wiles to taunt me away from my task of making a genuine casting video. Did she succeed in enticing me into the abyss of sexual depravity? Well you'll have to be a member to find out! However the fact that I awarded her a much coveted 10/10 score may give you a clue!


Cutest of the Cute
Cutest of the Cute

After having had to endure the amazing Vander last week, I am afraid I have more torture for you this week in the form of the lovely April. She insisted on squeezing into her old school uniform for her, "Casting" as she seemed to be under the impression that this would in some way better her chances of passing the strict protocols that are part and parcel of a Jim Slip casting. Members will know that these rules include: 1/ Being very pretty, 2/ Being able to draw breath, 3/ errm, there's no No 3! Anyway, April burst through the , "Doors of Shame" complete with her sexy uniform and the biggest pair of pouty lips I have ever seen! She had even put on SEAMED STOCKINGS and KILLER HEELS! It took all of my self control to hold the camcorder steady and to be honest all I could think was what it would feel like to have those massive lips wrapped around my dick and then what it would be like to run my hands slowly up those sexy seams to the top of her legs. I nearly crushed the camcorder between my hands with frustration, but being a "Professional" I doggedly persevered until the bitter end. Unsurprisingly, ladies and gentlemen, you will be pleased to know that April passed the casting with flying colours!


Vander passes her audition!
Vander passes her audition!

Well, after much deliberation it was decided by the the independent adjudicator (me) that Vander had completed every aspect of her casting without fault and with great solemnity and aplomb I decreed she could now enter the hallowed corridors of jimslip babes! OK, to put it in a nutshell, I threw the camcorder over to Lara, tore my clothes to shreds in my desperation to get them off and then leapt across the room like a crack-fuelled madman and landed on Vander! You must forgive my rabid desperation, but you must remember I had had to endure filming this babe on 2 previous occasions and been dying to get my trotters on her! Together with Vander deciding to wear a waify little dress and pink pumps didn't help matters and to be honest I had trouble keeping this scene going for the regulatory duration and how I did is worthy of an award for self control!



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