Hot MILF in sexy undies!
Hot MILF in sexy undies!

Well as you can see these posh MILFS are always gagging for hot, pervy action. In porn films they're always ogling pool attendants or seducing pizza delivery boys! I can see why us guys just love 'em. Valentina's lingerie was just...well, as my gran would have said, "That outfit would raise eyebrows in a whorehouse in Cabo San Lucus, honey-buns!" Did you notice Valentinas knickers?? Well they looked like they were, "half-made", her pert bum was hanging out of them with no shame! My gran would have said, "You wouldn't have survived very long on a destroyer in 1941, patrolling the North Atlantic in THAT outfit, duckie!" Anyway, Valentina fucked like a human dynamo, she ripped me apart like a ravenous she-lion and discarded my spent carcass to one side when she was satisfied!


Top Class Totty
Top Class Totty

This week Jim Slip brings you a touch of class! A beautiful woman that enjoys the high life. Valentina, a woman that has her Ferrero Roche chocolates delivered by helicopters flown by master chocolatiers! The windows in her house are not made of glass, but of Swarovski crystal! I accosted her as she strolled one of the grand avenues of Budapest. She said her diplomat husband was a pervert and at that moment almost certainly engaged in disgusting acts of depravity with prostitutes and so she was certainly up for coming to mine for some xxx porno action! Well, Valentina certainly brushed up well and I know I'm no expert on lingerie, but I bet you £100 hers hadn't come from the Tesco "Home'N'Wear" range!


Teeny-weeny gold bikini!
Teeny-weeny gold bikini!

My gran would turn in her grave at the shameless antics of modern girls! She would have screamed, "Bring back the birch!" at this week's girl, Pamela. She turned up at chez mois, wearing no more than a tiny gold bikini, heels and a denim jacket. To be honest I was shocked that she would flaunt herself in public in such a manner! I am sure many retired colonels would have gladly put Pamela over their knees, pulled her bikini bottoms down and given her a well deserved and very sound thrashing! I would also imagine those same colonels would have also been unable to resist the temptation of shoving Pamela's mouth over their engorged dicks! In fact the same thought crossed my mind, but instead I did what any man (and many girls) would love to do and that is I plunged my hands into her bikini and groped her sodden pussy! I'll leave it to your imagination as to what happened next!


You want my arse Mr Jim?
You want my arse Mr Jim?

Well, as you saw last week, I put Kerry through the most gruelling of auditions and to be honest I had to use all of my skills just to hold the camcorder steady whilst she had my dick jammed in her gob! Anyway, this week, Kerry is put though the Jim Slip "Glamour machine" and emerges looking spectacular, in mini kilt, white hold-up and heels! Little did I know that Kerry had a secret request which she divulged to Lara just before we started, she asked, "Miss Lara, I am liking it very much, with cock in my arse, maybe you ask Mr Jimbo, you want cock in arse maybe? Well, Lara came over amd passed on Kerry's request and I said, "I am going to need to think about it......YES!!"


Jim's Have you got what it takes?
Jim's Have you got what it takes?

Yes folks, this week I am turning back the hands of time. A time when camcorders were as big as a small fridge and sleazy cameramen had moustaches and flared trousers! Yes, it's the old, "Have you got what it takes to be in a porn film?" routine, the idea that launched a thousand sleazebags! Thankfully the camcorders are alot smaller these days, so its quite easy to film whilst getting your knob sucked! Kerry, my first, "Auditionee", was sensational and wasted no time in gorging on my dick, whilst watching herself. You see I turn the little viewfinder round the other way, girls are such shameless show-offs and simply love watching themselves suck a cock! Try it at home with your partner, or maybe the next door neighbour (If she's up for it that is!) A little point of interest for the young folk out there, when I first tried this idea in 1981, my camcorder was SEPERATE from the VCR! So you had a GIANT camcorder in your hands which was AT LEAST twice as big as my head and then a 2" thick wire attached to a GIANT VCR, which you'd drag around in a shopping trolley! On top of all this you had to try and get your knob sucked, no easy task, I assure you!!


Ooh! La! La!
Ooh! La! La!

This week we have a stunning French girl called Stella. I pounced on her when I saw her looking at a map and thought, "Hmm, looks like she is a lost tourist, I must go and assist her!" Anyway, to cut a long story short, I managed to entice this babe back to my lair for some fun. Of course being French, the idea of meeting a man who is secretly filming her whilst propositioning her to engage in a kinky sex session, was like "water off a ducks back" as we like to say! You will be stunned at her transformation stunner to Mega-stunner and you will be even more stunned when you see what antics she gets up to! Well that's the French for you!



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